Welcome webmasters. You are invited to add free
content to your website, courtesy of Worldwide Recipes.
Everyone has to eat, millions of people
everywhere love to cook, and the word "recipe" is one of the most common search
arguments at all the search engines. You can attract visitors to your website by
reproducing my recipes, and keep them coming back by updating your recipe page
as often as you like. Update it monthly, weekly, or even daily. All I ask is
that you follow the three steps outlined below:
1. Email me at
TheChef@wwrecipes.com requesting permission to reproduce my recipes, and be
sure to include the URL of your website. I will almost surely grant permission
as long as your site is 'G' rated. Adult-oriented sites need not apply.
2. Agree to
provide a link to my site with every recipe you reproduce. The link must include
the following text:
Reproduced by permission of
Worldwide Recipes.
With a link to
I would also appreciate it if you would
place the following text somewhere on your recipe page:
Worldwide Recipes, the world's largest daily recipe service, delivers a free
recipe by email every day-a complete gourmet menu every week. Subscribe by
sending a blank email to
Subscribe@wwrecipes.com or by visiting
http://www.wwrecipes.com. It's easy, and it's FREE!
3. Post recipes
to your website. You may copy them from the daily ezine. I ask that you post no
more than 30 recipes at any time, and not develop an archive of my recipes. You
will attract visitors to your website by changing the recipes frequently.
That's all there is to it.