The history of spices is the history of humankind itself, with
empires rising and falling based on the trade of exotic spices from distant
lands, their intoxicating allure changing and shaping the very foundations of
our society. Let's not forget that when Christopher Columbus set sail for the
Indies (following the unorthodox notion of getting there faster by heading in
exactly the wrong direction), he was searching for pepper. Not gold or jewels,
but pepper and other spices. He never found the passage to the Indies he was
hoping for, and he never found the pepper he was searching for, but the world
was changed forever because of our passion for strange new flavors from faraway
The proper place to begin just about any protracted and bombastic
examination of any subject, it seems to me, is to attempt to define the subject
in question. In this case, the subject is spices, as in "herbs and spices."
Unfortunately, no one seems to be able to agree on precise definitions for
either of these terms, even though we all know what they mean... sort of. Due to
this shameful and nearly universal lack of consensus, I have decided to use
definitions of my own device. When you are a big famous food writer like me you
can make up your own definitions too.
In an earlier, highly acclaimed article I wrote entitled
All About Herbs I defined a culinary herb as a plant whose leaves or stems
are used to flavor foods. This is a much more narrow definition than that
employed by other self-appointed gastronomic pundits, but that's their problem.
The reason I defined herbs in such narrow terms was because I knew that someday
I would be writing this article and someone was bound to ask me, "Hey Cheffie,
just what the heck is a spice, anyway?" My answer? Simple. A spice is a part of
a plant other than the leaves or stems that is used to flavor foods.
See how I covered all the bases there? Herbs and spices are
divided into two teams: the herbs get the leaves and stems of plants, and the
spices get everything else. No part of any plant is left out. Pretty cool, eh?
Anyway, I have come up with a list of over 60 spices, some of
them as common as ordinary, everyday pepper, and others so exotic that you might
think that I'm making this stuff up. I'm not. We'll look at spices that are the
seeds and dried fruits of various plants. We'll see the bark, roots, rhizomes,
bulbs, and tubers of other plants used in cooking around the world. Then there
are the flower buds, unripe fruits, berries, seed pods, stigmas, and even the
resin of certain plants, all of which have been flavoring our foods for
millennia. We'll see plant parts that are dried, crushed, ground, fermented,
chopped, pickled, salted, brined, and roasted. There's even this weird thing
called an aril that comes into play. Let's get started.
Storing and Preparing Spices
Now that we have that nasty business of defining spices behind
us, let's take a look at storing and preparing spices, or as I like to think of
it, "Getting the Most Out of Your Spices."
As a general rule, spices have a shelf life of a year or more in
their unground, uncrushed, unprocessed form, and an effective shelf life of
about a month once they have been ground, crushed, or otherwise processed before
use. The message here is clear: buy whole, unprocessed spices whenever possible.
A cinnamon stick will retain its freshness far longer than ground cinnamon, and
whole cumin seeds will last a whole lot longer than ground cumin seed, and a
whole nutmeg will last almost indefinitely, yet it begins to lose its flavor the
second it is ground. Buy whole, buy in small quantities, and buy often for best
Store your whole spices in airtight containers, and preferably in
opaque airtight containers. Small metal or dark glass containers with
tight-fitting lids are ideal. Clear plastic bags and deli-style plastic lidded
containers are far from ideal because many of the volatile oils in spices are
sensitive to sunlight, and the thin plastic does little to prevent the escape of
those flavor components. The shelf life of all spices can be extended if you
store them in the refrigerator, and they will remain fresh almost indefinitely
if stored frozen.
There are two basic procedures for getting the most flavor from
whole spices: heating and grinding. With very few exceptions (which we will
touch on in the Dictionary of Spices), the flavor of spices is improved by
heating them. They can be dry-roasted in a skillet, oven, or microwave, or they
can be lightly fried in oil to release the essential oils that contribute to the
unique flavor of every spice. This heating can be just a gentle toasting or a
sizzling hot scorching that literally makes some of the spices pop and
explode-just follow the directions in the recipe you are using.
Whole spices may be ground to further enhance their flavor, and
this process releases huge amounts of flavor whether they have been heated or
not. The grinding may take place either before or after they have been heated,
depending on the recipe. I recommend you add a small, inexpensive coffee grinder
to your kitchen arsenal, and that you use it exclusively for grinding spices.
Dictionary of Spices
- Also called annatto, achiote is the dried seeds of a small tree (Bixa
orellana) native to tropical South America. Although the seeds have a
faint, peppery flavor with a hint of bitterness when used in large quantities,
it is most often used for the orange-red color it imparts to foods. The seeds
are usually soaked in water or other liquid, or fried in oil, and discarded in
order to obtain a colored liquid which can then be used to color stocks, stews,
and rice. It is widely used throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, and parts
of Southeast Asia. Commercially, achiote is used as a coloring agent in butter,
smoked fish, cheese, and cosmetics.
- The seeds of Trachyspermumn ammi, a small annual umbellifer closely
related to caraway and cumin and native to India and the Middle East. It has an
extremely strong flavor of thyme which, unless used in moderation, will provide
a bitter taste. Whole seeds may be bought in Indian specialty shops and should
be ground immediately before cooking. It is used in many breads, pastries, and
fried snacks throughout India, Pakistan, and as far west as Ethiopia.
- Also known to Australians as bush tomatoes, the dried fruits of several
members of the Solanum species grow wild in the desserts of western and
central Australia. They have a flavor that some have likened to sun-dried
tomatoes with undertones of chocolate and caramel. Available as whole dried
fruits about the size of a grape which must be soaked prior to using, or in a
dry powdered form, its popularity has been growing for decades in Australia and
is not generally available elsewhere.
- When Columbus saw the small, dark berries of the Pimenta dioica plant
growing wild in the West Indies, he thought he had found the pepper he was
seeking in the Far East, and therefore the Spanish name for this spice is
pimienta (pepper). Its English name is derived from the fact that the taste
resembles a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, pepper, and nutmeg or mace. Widely
available throughout the world in whole or powdered form, the smart cook will
buy the whole berries because of their almost indefinite shelf life. It is often
used in baked goods, stews, and pickling mixtures. The bulk of the world's
production goes into commercial ketchups and other sauces.
- In India, the dried fruit of the evergreen Mangifera indica (which
the rest of the world knows as the mango tree) is used give a tart tang to many
dishes including stews, fillings, and tandoori meats. Only unripe mangoes are
used for this purpose, and the dried fruit is available both in sliced and
powdered form. It is available in Indian specialty shops where it may be labeled
"mango powder," a direct translation of the Hindi name "am-choor." A single
teaspoon of amchoor provides the equivalent acidity of three tablespoons of
lemon juice.
- The seeds of Pimpinella anisum, a relative of caraway, cumin, and
dill native to the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. The ancient Romans
believed anise seed to have medicinal properties so it was added to cakes served
at the end of a meal to aid in digestion, and it is still used primarily in
baked goods and sweets where its licorice-like flavor is always welcome. The
seeds, which will retain their flavor for at least two years if stored properly,
are similar yet milder in flavor to fennel and star anise.
- The dried resinous gum of several types of giant fennel (genus Ferula),
asafetida is available either in small pieces called "tears," "lumps" which have
been processed into larger, uniform pieces, and in powdered form. It has a
strong bitter, musky, acrid, and frankly unpleasant odor, but when fried briefly
in hot oil it lends a much more appealing onion-like flavor. It is used
primarily in Indian cooking and is particularly appreciated among the Brahmin
and Jain sects whose beliefs forbid the use of garlic and onions.
- The berries of several members of the Berberis and Mahonia
genera, they have a pleasantly acidic flavor reminiscent of tart currants. The
red berries of the Berberis genus are used to flavor pilafs, stuffings,
stews, and meats in central Asia and Iran, and in India the dried berries are
added to desserts. They are also used fresh in meat and seafood dishes where
their tartness is akin to lemon juice. The dark blue berries of Oregon grape (Mahonia
aquifolium) can be used the same way.
Cardamom - The seeds of several species of the Amomum and Aframomum
genera are sometimes sold as a cheap substitute for green cardamom, although
they play a distinct role in the cuisine of the Himalayan region. The seeds may
be used ground, whole, or encased in the woody pods in which they grow. They
impart an astringent, earthy flavor and are used in just about every type of
dish, from meats to pickles to confectionery. Black cardamom is one of the
essential spices in garam masala, one of India's most widely used spice
- The unopened flower buds of several small Mediterranean shrubs of the
Capparis genus. Usually sold pickled or salted, when rinsed they have a
pungent flavor that comes from an oil called glycoside, which is also found in
horseradish and wasabi. They are an important ingredient is many sauces,
including tartar sauce, and are used in many seafood and poultry dishes in the
Mediterranean region where they are often paired with olives. Major producers of
capers are France, Italy, Spain, California, Cyprus, and Malta. Those grown in
France are graded according to size, with nonpareils being the smallest
and most desirable, and with capottes at the other end of the scale.
Caper berries are the pickled unripe fruits of the same shrubs, and their flavor
is more subtle than that of capers. Both may be eaten on their own and as an
accompaniment to cold meats, cheeses, and smoked fish. They are best added to a
dish towards the end cooking because prolonged exposure to heat can result in a
bitter taste.
seeds - The dried seeds of Carum carvi have an unmistakable flavor all
their own, which no doubt accounts for the widespread popularity of this spice.
It is used in breads, crackers, cakes, sausages, soups, and stews all over
Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and India. It accounts for the
characteristic flavor of pumpernickel bread, Hungarian goulash, Tunisian
harissa, and Danish aquavit, and is often added to sauerkraut, cole slaw, and
rye bread. Although it is available in ground form, it is most often found as
whole seeds which will retain their flavor for at least six months if properly
- The seeds and seed pods of Elettaria cardamomum are sometimes called
green cardamom in order to distinguish it from the closely related black
cardamom. Native to southern India, it is now grown commercially in Sri Lanka,
Tanzania, Vietnam, and Guatemala. It is used primarily in baked goods in Europe
(especially Scandinavia), but in India, North Africa, and the Middle East it is
equally at home in savory preparations. Indians also use it to flavor ice cream
(kulfi) and tea, and Arabs use it to flavor coffee. Buy the whole green
pods when possible; the white pods are merely bleached versions of the green
pods, and loose seeds lose their flavor quickly. It is also available in ground
form which usually includes the hulls, so for best results, buy the whole pods
and grind the seeds yourself.
- The dried bark of the Cinnamomum cassia tree native to Southeast
Asia, it is usually sold as cinnamon in the USA. In fact, this is such common
practice that it is quite possible that most Americans have never tasted true
cinnamon. It has a more pronounced flavor and aroma than true cinnamon, and the
finest quality is grown in Vietnam. Sticks (aka quills) of dried bark are widely
available, and since they are difficult to grind, a powdered form is available
almost everywhere. The sticks will retain their flavor for over two years if
stored in an airtight container, while the ground version will lose its potency
in just a few months, so it is best to buy it in small quantities. It is used
almost exclusively in sweets and baked goods in the West, but it can be found in
almost any type of dish elsewhere. It is one of the essential ingredients in
Chinese five-spice powder and in many traditional spice blends of India and the
Middle East.
Cayenne pepper - See chiles
seeds - The seeds of Apium graveolens have an intense celery flavor
with overtones of citrus and parsley, and may leave a bitter, burning aftertaste
if used indiscriminately. The seeds of lovage (Levisticum officinale),
a closely related plant, are also often sold as celery seeds. They are widely
used in Russia and Scandinavia where they are often added to soups, stews, and
salad dressings, and in India they can frequently be found in curries. Try
adding them to cole slaw, potato salad, and breads, but use them sparingly or
their flavor will overpower the dish.
- No one is actually keeping score, but I bet if someone were, chiles would win
as the New World's most valuable contribution to world cuisine. The fruits of
several species of the Capsicum genus have transformed the cooking of
almost every region of the planet since Columbus delivered the first batch to
his Spanish patrons at the close of the 15th century. (Although they are
unrelated to the pepper that Europe was already familiar with, the Spanish
called them pimiento (pepper) due to their pungency, and the name
stuck.) It's hard to imagine what many of the outstanding food cultures of the
world were like before the introduction of what has become the world's largest
spice crop. What did the foods of India taste like before chiles? How did the
people of Southeast Asia season their foods before chiles reached their shores?
How did the Hungarians season their goulashes without paprika? What did the
Spanish do before they had pimientos and their own smoky version of paprika
pimentón? What
would Italian food be like without bell peppers or crushed red pepper flakes?
Chiles are possibly the only spice that has so radically and permanently
affected the cooking and eating habits of almost half the population of the
Chiles get their "heat" from a compound called capsaicin which is
most concentrated in the seeds and white membranes, with lower concentrations in
the flesh of the fruits. The amount of capsaicin depends on the variety of chile
as well as its ripeness, and experts agree that many other variables play a part
in the ultimate spiciness of many varieties, including temperature, rainfall,
and soil conditions. Ignoring this basic variability for a second, some chiles
are spicier than others, as determined by the amount of capsaicin they contain.
As a general rule, the larger, fleshier varieties are milder than the smaller,
thinner-skinned varieties. Their "hotness" (it's not actually heat, but rather a
chemical stimulation of pain receptors in mucous membranes) is measured in
Scoville units and ranges from zero Scoville units in the case of the mildest
sweet bell peppers, to about 350,000 for the hottest habanero and Scotch bonnet
varieties. It is said that capsaicin stimulates digestion and circulation, and
it also provokes perspiration which accounts for the near-universal popularity
of spicy foods in tropical climates.
With literally thousands of varieties under cultivation around
the world, a comprehensive listing is far beyond the scope of this little
article. However, this diversity points to the fact that Capsicum
species are easy to grow just about anywhere, and the dedicated cook can have a
personal crop of chiles growing in the backyard or in pots on window sills
virtually anywhere in the world. Usually classified as annuals, chiles are
easily grown from seed and will bear fruit in their first season. If you happen
across a fresh or dried chile you are particularly fond of, try saving some of
the seeds and planting them in the spring. You will almost certainly be rewarded
with your first crop in a matter of weeks, although the fruits may not be
identical to the parent due to cross-pollination.
When fresh, they have a characteristically smooth and shiny skin
in vibrant colors ranging from green to yellow, orange, fire engine red, and
deep maroon, and may be eaten at any stage of maturity. They may be dried or
frozen, although freezing will result in a loss of flavor and spiciness unless
they are blanched first. In their dried form the flavor is concentrated and,
ounce for ounce, the spiciness may increase as much as tenfold. Dried chiles
will keep almost indefinitely in an airtight container.
The uses of chiles are almost too numerous to mention. They are
used fresh and dried, whole, chopped, and ground, raw, pickled, and cooked in
sauces, pastes, oils, preserves, and powders. They come in various guises and
are marketed under various names: cayenne pepper is the pulverized form of the
dried red cayenne chile; paprika is the dried and pulverized form of sweet and
mildly spicy red chiles; chile powder is a mixture of powdered chiles (often
ancho chiles) with other herbs and spices such as oregano and garlic; hot sauces
are made by preserving chiles in brine or vinegar; chile oils are made by
steeping chiles in oil for a period of time; pimientos are the preserved flesh
of red chiles similar to bell peppers; and hot pepper flakes are the dried,
crushed form of any of a variety of spicy red chiles.
The flavors range from mild to infernally hot, as we have already
seen, but the flavor spectrum is not limited to degrees of spiciness. Different
types of chiles are valued for their different flavor components everywhere
chiles are used. Some are fresh and "green" (it's a chlorophyll thing) in flavor
while others can be slightly bitter (especially yellow chilies) to sweet with
overtones of raisins, prunes, and chocolate. Some attack the tongue with their
chemical assault, while others gently stimulate the back of the throat. Cooks in
Central and South America and the Caribbean have been keenly aware of these
differences for thousands of years and it is not uncommon for some traditional
preparations to call for three, four, or even more types of chiles in order to
form a combination of flavors from what each variety of chile provides.
Yes, the flavors can be overwhelming (especially to the
uninitiated), but they can also be exceedingly subtle as well. Chiles get my
vote for the most important spice of all time.
Chili powder - See chiles
- The dried bark of the Cinnamomum zelanicum tree native to Sri Lanka,
true cinnamon is more subtle in flavor than cassia, but it also has a hint of
cloves from the oil eugenol which cassia lacks. As with cassia, its primary use
in the West is in sweets and baked goods, but it is also used in savory meat and
vegetable dishes in North Africa, the Middle East, India, China, and Latin
America. In Mexico it is traditionally combined with chocolate, and in India it
is a component of many masalas, chutneys, and other condiments. It is available
as sticks (aka quills) and in ground form. When ground it loses its potency
quickly, so buy it in small quantities. In stick form it will retain its flavor
for several years.
- The juice and the pickled, preserved, fresh, or dried rind of many members of
the Citrus genus give an unmistakable citrus flavor and aroma to any
dish they touch. In North Africa whole lemons are preserved in salt so the
pickled rind can be used in chicken, lamb, and couscous dishes. Whole dried
limes are added to stews and pilafs in the Middle East. The Japanese use the
dried rind of yuzu, an indigenous citrus whose flavor is similar to a cross
between a lemon and a lime, in soups, simmered dishes, condiments, and sweets.
In the West we use the juice, rinds, and zest (the outer colored part of the
skin) to flavor baked goods, desserts, and candies, and in the Caribbean and
Latin America the juice is used in innumerable marinades, ceviches, and mojos.
And let's not forget all the beverages that citrus fruits have contributed their
juice to all over the world. Candied and dried citrus rinds will keep
- The dried, unopened flower buds of Syzyium aromaticum, a small
tropical evergreen tree native to the Moluccas in Indonesia, were known to
ancient Romans thanks to an overland trade in spices dating back thousands of
years. Eugenol is the essential oil that gives cloves their unique flavor which
is appreciated in virtually all parts of the world. The taste can be
overpowering if used indiscriminately, and excessive amounts will actually
produce a mouth-numbing sensation. They are used in sweet and savory dishes in
the Middle East, North Africa, India, China, and Southeast Asia. In Europe and
North America they are often included in pickling mixtures, spiced breads, and
ham dishes. In India they are one of the basic ingredients of garam masala, in
China they are essential to the five-spice mixture, and in France they are one
of the four spices in quatre epices (along with black pepper, nutmeg, and dried
ginger). In Indonesia they are mixed with tobacco and made into the aromatic
kretek cigarettes. Ground cloves lose their flavor quickly, so buy in small
quantities or buy the whole cloves which will retain their flavor for at least a
year if properly stored.
seeds - The dried seeds of the Cariandrum sativum plant, which also
gives us the herb cilantro, have a sweet, spicy fragrance with hints of pepper
and orange peel. They are widely used throughout North Africa, the Middle East,
and India as a flavoring for meat and vegetable dishes, stews, and sausages. In
Europe and North America they are usually found in pickling spice mixtures and
in cakes and cookies. The whole seeds are easily crushed or ground and retain
their flavor much longer than the pre-ground form available on the market.
- The dried immature fruits of a tropical vine (Piper cubeba), cubebs
are a close relative to black pepper which they resemble in appearance and
flavor. Cubebs also have notes of allspice and a strong, pine-like pungency that
mellows in cooking. Also known as Java pepper, they were popular in Europe from
the 16th to the 18th centuries as a substitute for black pepper, and are
scarcely known outside of Indonesia today. They are enjoying a minor resurgence
in popularity among spice aficionados and are sometimes available from specialty
spice shops.
- The dried seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant, a small umbellifer
related to caraway, dill, and fennel, are possibly my all-around favorite spice.
Judging from its long history and ubiquitous nature, it's one of the world's
favorite spices as well. Native only to the Nile valley in Egypt, the spice has
been used in the Mediterranean, North Africa, India, and China for at least
4,000 years. Ancient Egyptians and Minoans used it for medicinal purposes, and
the Romans used it much the way we use pepper today. Its unique and
indescribable flavor is used to season every type of food, from cheeses in
Holland and pickled cabbage in Germany to fish dishes in Lebanon, couscous in
Morocco, and tapas in Spain. Many dishes from India and Mexico would be
unrecognizable if the cumin were omitted-a garam masala or chili con carne
wouldn't be the same without it. As with all seeds used as spices, cumin
benefits from heating; the flavor is enhanced by dry roasting before grinding,
or by frying in hot oil if being used whole.
seeds - The seeds of another umbellifer, both the leaves and seeds of
Anethum graveolens are used in cooking, making it one of the few plants
that provides us with both a spice and an herb. The seeds have a flavor
reminiscent of caraway anise, with a touch of citrus. They are what puts the
"dill" in dill pickles, and are used in many Scandinavian and Norther European
baked goods. Dill is easily grown and will self-seed readily. Harvest the seed
heads when they are fully formed and dark brown. Place them in a paper bag and
allow to dry in a warm place. When they are dry, rub the seedheads between your
hands to separate the seeds from the husks. Whole seeds will remain fresh for at
least two years if stored in an airtight container.
seeds - Yet another umbellifer, the dried seeds of Foeniculum vulgare
are used to season pickles, breads, sauerkraut, and cured as well as fresh
sausages. With its anise-like flavor, it is one of the components of Chinese
five-spice powder and Indian garam masala. It is easily grown and can be
harvested like dill seed (see above), however, dill and fennel plants should not
be grown in close proximity to each other because they will cross-breed and
produce hybrids. Fennel pollen imported from Italy, which has an intense flavor
even when used in small quantities, has been a recent fad among foodies, and
this trend may have already passed.
- The dried seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum are widely used in
Middle Eastern, North African, and Indian cooking, but never seem to have caught
on in the West. The "foenum-graecum" part of the name means "Greek hay,"
referring to the plant's widespread use as animal fodder in classical times. The
seeds have a strong flavor reminiscent of celery or lovage, and it is the
dominant flavor in some curry powders. In India it is used in pickles and
chutneys; in North Africa it is often added to breads, and in Turkey it is used
to cure dried beef. Dry-roasting or frying brings out a nutty, burnt sugar or
maple syrup flavor.
- The rhizome of a couple of Alpinia species, galangal can be used
fresh or dried. With a flavor similar to its cousin ginger, it is used in a
similar manner in the cooking of southern China and Southeast Asia and is
sometimes called Laos, Siamese, or Thai ginger. It is an essential flavor
component in Thai curries. You may substitute ginger in recipes calling for
galangal if it is not available in your area.
- Perhaps the most widely used spice in the world, the bulbs of Allium
sativum have been cultivated in central Asia and the Middle East for
thousands of years. It was originally used in medical and magical potions, but
the ancient Egyptians discovered its benefits in the kitchen and began growing
it on a large scale. It is available in many forms, including fresh heads of
garlic, dried garlic flakes and powder, garlic salt, extract, and juice. While
some of these products may offer something in terms of convenience, they all
lack the flavor of true, fresh garlic, and should only be used when fresh garlic
is unavailable.
In addition to Allium sativum (which we consider to be
basic, regular old garlic), several other related species are also used around
the world. The most familiar to Americans is probably the bulb of A.
ampeloprasum, which is actually a type of leek and is marketed as "elephant
garlic." The cloves of this plant may weigh up to an ounce (28 g) each, and
although they are too mild to replace true garlic in cooking, the whole cloves
are good roasted with other vegetables. Similarly, wild members of the genus are
often collected and used as garlic. In southern Europe rocambole (A. sativum
var. ophioscorodon) and ramsons (A. ursinum) are often cultivated
and sold in markets, while aficionados of wild American garlic (A. canadense)
and wild onions (or ramps, A. tricoccum) will most likely have to
collect their own.
The characteristic odor of garlic (as with the other members of
the onion family) is formed when enzymes and other compounds come into contact
with each other as a result of the crushing, slicing, or chopping of the garlic,
and this chemical activity results in the production of several disulphate
compounds which owe their pungency to the sulfur compounds they contain. In
other words, the more finely garlic is chopped, the more pungent it becomes.
This accounts for why some recipes would have you mash the garlic to a pulp (as
in aioli and pesto Genovese) for the maximum garlic flavor, and others require a
more restrained chopping, slicing, and even leaving the garlic cloves whole in
order to moderate the flavor. When garlic is heated the disulphate molecules are
rearranged to form different, less pungent disulphates, which is why garlic and
its cousins lose so much of their punch when cooked.
The same disulphate compounds that give garlic and the other
members of the Allium genus their characteristic flavor are also, as
you might expect, responsible for the lingering aroma on the hands and breath of
those who have cooked with and eaten it. Unfortunately, modern science has
little to offer to remedy the noxious breath (and occasionally even body odor)
that accompanies the consumption of garlic, but there is a surefire way to
eliminate the odor from your hands. Don't ask me how this works because none of
my scientific food resources contain any mention of it, but I have tested this
procedure and it's the real deal: after cutting garlic or any other member of
the onion family, run water over your fingertips as you rub them on a piece of
stainless steel. You may use a spoon, fork, or even the bottom of the sink if it
is stainless steel, and they even sell little pieces of stainless steel for this
purpose. Try it-you'll be amazed.
- The fibrous rhizome of the Zingiber officinale plant, native to China
and Southeast Asia, is used in sweet as well as savory foods nearly everywhere
in the world. Fresh ginger (also known as gingerroot) has a sharp, pungent
flavor with sweet, citrus undertones. It is used throughout Asia in every type
of dish. In Europe and the rest of the Western world, ginger is more likely to
be used in a dried, candied, or preserved form because it was in these forms
that ginger was traded from the Far East for many centuries.
Fresh ginger may be used sliced, minced, grated, or added whole
to a dish and removed before serving. Even though it is not necessary to peel
fresh ginger, the thin brown skin is easily removed by rubbing with the edge of
a spoon. When buying fresh ginger, look for pieces (called "hands" in the trade)
that are hard, unwrinkled, and heavy for their size. It will keep for up to
three weeks in the refrigerator, and almost indefinitely frozen. Store some
fresh ginger in a small glass jar filled with dry sherry in the refrigerator.
This will provide you not only with fresh ginger that will keep for several
months, but the ginger-flavored sherry can also be used in cooking, and you can
refill the jar with both sherry and ginger to maintain your supply.
Dried, powdered ginger is most often found in baked goods in the
West. Its flavor ranges from peppery and lemony in the case of the better
grades, to sharp and bitter in the case of the less expensive grades-buy
Jamaican or Cochin ginger if possible. It is also widely used in Asia,
especially in spice mixtures such as Chinese five-spice, masalas, and curries.
Crystallized ginger may be eaten as is, or used to flavor baked goods, ice
cream, and cakes. Ginger is often pickled in vinegar and served as a condiment,
especially in Japan where one method produces gari, the paper-thin slices of
ginger (made pink by the pickling) that accompany sushi.
of Paradise - The seeds of the Amomum melegueta plant, a relative of
the plant that gives us cardamom. Native to Western Africa, grains of paradise
are also known as Guinea pepper, Melegueta pepper, and occasionally alligator
pepper. The spice was once popular throughout Europe as a replacement for the
more expensive true pepper, but as the supply of true pepper grew over the
centuries, so the demand for grains of paradise diminished. It is still used in
Scandinavia to flavor aquavit, and continues to be one of the essential spices
in African spice mixtures such as qalat daqqa and ras el hanout.
- Although the leaves may be added raw to salads, it is the root of the
Armoracia rusticana plant that most people are familiar with. It figures
prominently in the cooking of its native region of eastern Europe and western
Asia where it still grows wild. Its culinary history probably began in Russia
and the Ukraine, and spread to Scandinavia, Germany and the rest of Europe
through the Middle Ages. The freshly grated root is extremely pungent enough to
make your eyes sting and nose run, and vinegar or lemon juice are added to
enable an enzymatic reaction that produces the sharp, peppery flavor we are
familiar with. Traditionally served to accompany roast beef in the British
Isles, tongue in Germany, and boiled beef in Austria and elsewhere, fresh
horseradish will keep for several weeks in the refrigerator, and for more than a
year in the freezer.
Berries - The dried berries of the common juniper plant (Juniperus communis)
used in landscaping are probably best known as the dominant flavor in gin. In
fact, our word for gin is derived from genievre, the French word for
juniper. They are widely used throughout Europe, especially with wild game
dishes where their powerful, woodsy, pine-like flavor will not overpower the
meat. They are used to flavor sauerkraut in Alsace, in pickling mixtures in
Scandinavia, and pates in France. Pick the ripe blue-black berries from juniper
plants that have not been treated with chemicals and dry them for home use. The
berries take two years to ripen, so both ripe and unripe green berries will
appear on the same bush.
- Since the Garcinia indica tree is native to and grows almost
exclusively in India, it's no surprise that the fruit is used primarily in
Indian cooking. The whole dried fruit and the dried rind have a slightly fruity,
sour taste and are used much like tamarind to add a mildly tart note to
beverages, sherbets, and condiments.
- The roots of several species of the genus Glycyrrhiza, perennial
shrubs native to Europe and Asia, are used to flavor baked goods, candies,
liqueurs, and soft drinks. They may be eaten (chewed, actually) raw, but are
most often sold in dried and powdered form. The plants are easily grown from
seed or root cuttings, and the roots may be harvested in the fall and will take
several months to dry. The majority of the world harvest is used to flavor
tobacco, and cough syrups and other medications rely on its powerful flavor to
mask medicinal tastes.
- This is going to take a little explaining. You see, the Myristica fragrans
tree of Southeast Asia produces a fruit that resembles an apricot. The large,
hard seed in the middle of the fruit is the spice we know as nutmeg, and it is
surrounded by a lacy, orange-red covering called an aril. This is mace. Although
it is most commonly found in ground form, the dried arils are sometimes
available and are worth seeking out because they have an almost indefinite shelf
life when properly stored, and can be ground in a pepper grinder or spice mill.
The flavor is very similar to nutmeg, with hints of pepper and cloves. In China
and Southeast Asia its primary use is medicinal, and in the West it is used
primarily in baked goods and pickling mixtures, where it can be used
interchangeably with nutmeg.
- Also known as mahlab and mahaleb, the kernels of a sour cherry Prunus
mahaleb are used primarily in baked goods in the Middle East. The soft
kernels are removed from the center of the cherry pits and dried before they are
used whole or in ground form. They have a flavor reminiscent of cherries and
- The dried resin of a member of the cherry family, Pistacia lentiscus.
It has a light, pine-like aroma and taste. It is usually sold in a form known as
"tears," small nuggets of the dried resin which is always ground to a fine
powder before being used. It flavors many breads, cheese pastries, puddings, and
preserves and is widely used in the Middle East and is not widely available
elsewhere. It is brittle and easily crushed, and takes on the consistency of
chewing gum when chewed and so has been popular as a breath freshener for
Pepper - The fresh and dried berries of Tasmannia lanceolata, a small
shrub native to Australia, it is often used as a substitute for pepper in
combination with other Australian bush spices. The small, dark berries resemble
pepper in appearance, and can be ground in a pepper mill. The berries are very
potent with an intensive bite more pungent than pepper, and may even provide a
mouth-numbing effect if used to excess.
- The dried seeds of several members of the Brassica genus are valued
worldwide for their pungent flavor. In Western cooking the whole seeds are a
common ingredient in pickling mixtures, but the vast majority of the mustard we
consume is in the form of prepared mustards. These run the complete spectrum
from smooth and mild to coarse and fiery hot, depending on the type of mustard
seed used, whether they are used whole, crushed, or finely ground, whether the
husks were removed in the processing, and the liquid they are combined with. The
spiciness of prepared mustards is provided by an enzyme called myrosinase which
is activated by water, and the ultimate flavor of prepared mustard is determined
largely by the liquid used: vinegar gives a mild mustard, white wine gives a
sharper version, beer produces a fiery hot mixture, and pure water provides the
hottest mustard of all. The bright yellow stuff often called "ball park" mustard
is more properly known as American mustard and is characterized by the addition
of entirely too much turmeric, which accounts for its bright color, dusty taste,
and finger-staining ability. Prepared mustards are also flavored with a variety
of other ingredients, including honey, herbs, fruit extracts, and other spices.
Mustard loses its potency when heated, so is best added at the table or during
the last stages of cooking. Whole mustard seeds will retain their potency and
flavor for at least a year when stored properly, but ground mustard loses both
after a few weeks.
- The kernel of the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree of Southeast
Asia, the same plant that also provides us with mace. With a taste similar to
mace but with overtones of cloves, nutmeg is relatively inexpensive compared to
mace because the yield of nutmeg from a given tree is about ten times that of
mace. It is added to just about every form of preparation, from breads and baked
goods to vegetable dishes (it is a classic seasoning for fresh spinach), stews,
meat fillings for pastas and pastries, and many fruit, egg, and cheese dishes.
It is also an essential ingredient to many spice mixtures used throughout
Europe, north Africa, and the Middle East, and it's hard to imagine a good old
American pumpkin pie without it. Whole kernels of nutmeg last indefinitely,
while the ground product quickly loses its flavor. Consumed in large quantities,
nutmeg has hallucinogenic properties and can be toxic and even fatal if consumed
in excessive quantities.
- The seeds of the Nigella sativa plant, better known to gardeners as
love-in-a-mist, native to southern Europe and western Asia, are used primarily
in the cooking of India. They are ground and added to legume and vegetable
dishes, curries, pilafs, chutneys, and pickles in India, and are used whole as a
pickling spice in Iran and other parts of the Middle East. The aroma is
reminiscent of mild oregano, and the flavor is mildly peppery with nutty, earthy
overtones. Available in Indian and Middle Eastern specialty shops, always buy
whole seeds because the ground form doesn't last as long and may have been
adulterated with less expensive ingredients.
- When history books refer to the spice trade, what they are really talking
about is the pepper trade. Pepper originally reached Europe over 3,000 years
ago, and our craving for it has never diminished. It has been used as currency,
exchanged ounce for ounce with gold, and used to pay ransoms, taxes, and
Today, the fruits of the Piper nigrum vine are the
world's largest spice crop in both volume and value. Native to India, they are
now grown commercially in Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam, and Malaysia as well.
Pepper owes its bite to an alkaloid called piperine, and its warm, woody,
sometimes citrus-like flavor is derived from several essential oils. The balance
of these essential oils and piperine vary according to the origin of the pepper:
Indian Malabar pepper is reputedly the best with its balanced blend of bite and
aroma; Indonesian lampong pepper has more bite and less aroma; Malaysian Sarawak
pepper has even less aroma; and Brazilian and Vietnamese peppers generally
contain less piperine, making them less pungent.
Of the several forms of pepper available to modern cooks, black
pepper is by far the most common. It is produced by picking the berries when
they are still green, fermenting them briefly, and then drying them. In the
course of fermenting and drying, the berries shrink and the skin becomes black
or dark brown and wrinkled. The skin is where many of the essential oils are
located, giving black pepper its unique and complex aroma and flavor.
White pepper is the inner core of berries that have been picked
when they are yellow-orange and almost ripe. They are soaked briefly to soften
the outer skin, which is then removed. Without this outer skin and its resident
oils, white pepper is almost without aroma, and with only piperine to provide
the bite, its flavor is considered flat and uninteresting by many. It is often
used in cream sauces in order to avoid the visible black specks that black
pepper would provide. The best white pepper is said to be Muntok from Indonesia.
Green peppercorns are picked green and freeze-fried or pickled in
brine or vinegar. They have less bite than other forms and add an agreeable
fresh note. Red peppercorns (not to be confused with pink pepper) are picked
ripe and treated the same as green peppercorns. They have a delicate sweet,
fruity taste, but are not widely available outside of Southeast Asia.
The uses for pepper are too numerous to list here because it is
used in just about everything, just about everywhere. If you have bought ground
black or white pepper, go to the kitchen and throw it away right now. Regardless
of how recently you bought it, it has already lost most of the essential oils
that provide its flavor, and all you have left is what amounts to dried sawdust
with a splash of piperine. Whether you are buying black, white, green, or red
pepper, buy whole peppercorns only. They will retain their flavor for over a
year (longer if frozen), and a couple of grinds of a pepper mill will remind you
what pepper is supposed to taste like.
Pepper - The dried berries of the Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus
terebinthifolius) should not be confused with the fruit of the Piper
nigrum vine. Although pink peppercorns have small amounts of the alkaloid
piperine that gives true pepper its bite, the two plants are unrelated. The
berries are available dried or pickled in brine or vinegar, and have a pleasant,
fruity taste with hints of pine and juniper. Even though the plant is native to
Brazil and southern South America, it has naturalized in California and Florida
as well as many parts of the Mediterranean due to its popularity as a landscape
plant. Pink pepper is grown commercially only on the French island of Reunion in
the Indian Ocean, and imported through France which helps to account for its
exorbitant price. There have been reports of gastric and respiratory irritation
associated with the consumption of pink pepper, especially with regard to the
berries found growing wild in Florida. The berries grown on Reunion seem to be
free of the irritant and have been approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration. As with all peppers, buy whole peppercorns and crush or grind
them immediately prior to using them.
- Both the seeds and the juice of the fruit of the Punica granatum tree
native to the Middle East and southern Asia add a sweet-tart taste to salads,
stews, curries, chutneys, baked goods, and desserts in India and the Middle
East. The dried seeds, known as anardana in India, add a crunchiness in
addition to their fruity taste. The juice may be drunk as a beverage or added to
sauces. Pomegranate molasses made from the juice is currently in vogue with
trend-following chefs who add it to sauces, gravies, and salad dressings.
Seed - The protein-rich seeds of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum,
or "sleep-inducing poppy") are used primarily in baked goods in the West. They
are often sprinkled over breads and sweet buns, and ground into a paste as a
filling for pastries. In India they are frequently ground and added to spice
mixtures for kormas and curries and used in vegetable dishes. They range in
color from almost black to slate-blue, pale brown, and cream-colored. Their
subtle flavor and aroma are reminiscent of almonds and are enhanced by
dry-roasting or baking. Because of their high oil content they tend to go rancid
quickly, so buy them in small quantities and store them in the freezer. Although
they contain none of the narcotic properties of the milky sap of the plant that
is used to make opium, it is no urban legend that the consumption of poppy seeds
can provide a false positive reaction for opiates in drug screenings.
- Westerners don't usually think of roses as a flavoring for foods, but the
dried buds and petals of the most fragrant members of the Rosa genus are used
widely throughout north Africa, the Middle East, and India. Although the dried
and ground petals are used in marinades and stews in India and north Africa, the
most widely used form of rose flavoring is rose water made with the distilled
essence (attar) of roses. This is used in all types of dishes, especially in
beverages and sweets. Its contribution to a dish is primarily aromatic when used
in moderation because the pungent, medicinal flavor can be overpowering. Rose is
available as dried petals and buds, rose water, rose oil, and rose petal
preserves in Middle Eastern and Indian specialty shops.
- Although we know it better for the oil extracted from its seeds, the dried
flowers of the thistle-like plant Carthamus tinctorius are also valued,
primarily for their ability to color foods yellow. In fact, unscrupulous spice
merchants may try to pass it off as the much more expensive saffron, and it is
often called false saffron. It is almost without aroma, and has a subtle bitter
and lightly pungent flavor. It is used to color rice, stews, soups, and sauces
in India, Portugal, and Turkey.
- The stigmas of a wild crocus (Crocus sativus) native to the
Mediterranean and western Asia are, pound for pound, the most expensive spice in
the world. The stigmas of more than four thousand blooms must be plucked by hand
in order to produce a mere ounce (28 g) of the spice. Saffron lends a yellow
color and a musty, floral aroma to dishes it is used in, but caution should be
used because more than a pinch will yield a bitter, medicinal taste. It is
widely used around the world to color and season risottos, pilafs, paellas, and
many other traditional rice dishes, and is also an essential ingredient in such
fish soups as the French bouillabaisse and the Catalan zarzuela. The Swedes add
it to buns and cakes to celebrate Saint Lucia's day in December, and traditional
saffron cakes are still available in Cornwall. Saffron is available as dried
stamens (known as threads) and in powdered form; buy threads if possible because
the ground saffron is easily adulterated with less expensive ingredients. For
best results, lightly toast the threads before adding them whole or crushed to a
dish, or steep them in warm liquid for 5 minutes to make an infusion.
Sansho - See Szechwan pepper
seeds - The Sesamum orientale plant has been cultivated for its seeds
for at least three thousand years. The small seeds range in color from ivory to
red, brown, pale gold, and black, and are used in the West primarily as a
topping for baked goods. In India, Asia, and the Middle East they are often used
to add flavor and texture to seafood, chicken, noodle, and vegetable dishes.
They are the primary ingredient is such sweets as Middle Eastern halvah and
Indian til laddoos. Whole, raw seeds are ground into the paste tahini which is
used to make hummus, baba ghanoush, and many traditional Middle Easter dishes.
Asian sesame oil, used widely in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean primarily as a
seasoning rather than a cooking oil because of its low smoke point, is made from
toasted seeds and provides a distinctive, nutty flavor. Because of their high
oil content sesame seeds tend to go rancid quickly, so buy them in small
quantities, store them in an airtight container in the freezer, and toast them
as needed.
Anise - The dried fruit of the Illicium verum tree, a type of magnolia
native to China and Japan, definitely takes the prize as the most attractive
spice with its star-shaped seed pods. It is an essential ingredient in Chinese
five-spice powder as well as many Chinese soups, marinades, and braising
liquids, and Vietnamese pho (beef and noodle soup) wouldn't be right without it.
It has a sweet, warm flavor with notes of anise, fennel, and licorice, and is
used in the West primarily as a flavoring ingredient in liqueurs such as pastis
and anisette, and in chewing gum and pastries. Although it is sometimes
available in ground form, buy only the whole pods and add them whole to soups
and stews (remove them before serving), or grind them yourself in a spice mill.
- The dried berries of a shrub (Rhus coriaria) native to Iran and the
Middle East are used to add an acidic note to dishes much the way lemon juice is
used in the West and tamarind is used in Asia. The berries may be used whole,
powdered, or to form an infusion. Sumac is a frequently used ingredient in the
cooking of Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria where it is used to flavor
beverages, breads, fish, chicken, and vegetable dishes. It is also served in its
crushed or powdered form as a condiment with kebabs.
pepper - The dried berries of the Zanthoxylum genus of prickly ash
trees native to China (Z. simulans) and Japan (Z. piperitum)
are an essential ingredient in Chinese five-spice powder and Japanese
seven-spice mixture. They have a fragrant, woodsy, peppery flavor with hints of
citrus and are used in all manner of meat, poultry, fish, and vegetable dishes.
They are currently banned from importation into the United States because they
are a vector for a disease that attacks native ash trees.
- The reddish-brown pulp that surrounds the seeds inside the seed pods of the
Tamarindus indica tree of Madagascar and eastern Africa is the only spice
of importance to have originated on the African continent. The pulp is often
formed into cakes or blocks which are typically soaked in water to form a tart
infusion which is added to dishes, and it is also available as a concentrate (or
syrup) and paste. It is used in a wide variety of dishes whenever an acidic note
is desired, and is one of the predominant flavors in Worcestershire sauce. It is
used in all types of meat and vegetable dishes in China, Southeast Asia, and
India, and as a flavoring for beverages in the Caribbean and Latin America.
- The fresh or ground rhizome of Curcurma longa, a plant related to
ginger, adds a bright yellow-orange color and subtle flavor reminiscent of
ginger and citrus to many sweet and savory dishes. The world's largest producer
is India, the majority of whose crop is used domestically. One of the world's
least expensive spices, it is also grown commercially in China, Haiti, Jamaica,
Peru, and several Southeast Asian countries. It is an essential ingredient in
many Indian curries and masalas and contributes the distinctive yellow color to
those dishes. In the West is it most frequently used as a coloring agent in
cheeses, margarine, mustards, and pickling mixtures. Fresh rhizomes are widely
available throughout Asia, but the most common form of the spice in the West is
the powdered form. The fresh rhizomes freeze well and may be stored for several
months in an airtight container in the freezer. The powdered form will retain
most of its flavor and all of its coloring ability for more than a year when
properly stored.
- It's ironic that among the orchid family of plants, the most numerous and
geographically widespread family of plants on the planet, only one offers a food
product. The seed pods of the climbing perennial orchid Vanilla planifolia
native to Central America have no flavor or aroma when they are picked. They are
parboiled, sun-dried, and fermented in a lengthy and complicated process during
which the pods shrivel, darken, and develop aromatic compounds, the most
recognizable of which is vanillin. Today vanilla is grown commercially in
Mexico, Reunion, Madagascar, Tahiti, and Indonesia, and although each claims
superiority over the others, I doubt that even the most sensitive palate would
be able to distinguish them. It is available in most supermarkets in two forms:
whole "beans" (the commercial designation for the seed pods); and as an extract
made by macerating the pods in alcohol.
The Aztecs introduced their Spanish conquerors to vanilla as an
ingredient in the chocolate beverage served in the court of Moctezuma, and the
Spanish returned to Spain with both chocolate and vanilla. It is still used
widely for its original purpose in the manufacture of chocolates and other
sweets, as well as in the full spectrum of baked goods, ice creams, and sweet
treats the world over. The beans may be used whole to infuse sauces and syrups,
after which they may be rinsed, dried, and reused. Added whole to sugar, they
will impart their unique flavor to the sugar for use in baking or for sweetening
a cup of coffee or tea. The beans may also be split and the tiny black seeds may
be scraped out of the pod prior to being added to a dish. Although its primary
use is to flavor sweet preparations, vanilla also goes well with seafood
(especially lobster, scallops, and mussels) and is also added to black beans in
When buying vanilla extract, be sure to look for "pure vanilla
extract" on the label, and when buying whole dried beans, try to buy those with
a light dusting of white crystals of vanillin on the surface. Vanilla beans will
retain their flavor for up to two years if properly stored, and vanilla extract
will last indefinitely.
- The root of the Eutrema wasabi plant native to Japan is frequently
called Japanese horseradish even though the two plants are not related. In Japan
the root is available fresh and is often grated and added to fish dishes, but
the rest of the world has to be content with powdered wasabi, or with powdered
wasabi that has been prepared in a paste. In its dry, powdered form wasabi has
little taste and only develops its eye-tearing and sinus-clearing pungency when
mixed with water. It loses its flavor when exposed to heat, so is typically
served with and added to cold foods. It is essential to sashimi and sushi. When
buying powdered wasabi, read the label carefully. Many so-called "wasabi"
products actually contain horseradish, mustard, and food coloring because wasabi
is expensive to grow due to its finicky horticultural requirements. The real
thing should cost at least twice as much as the imitation. Powdered wasabi has a
shelf life of several months, and the prepared paste will last almost as long if
properly stored.
- Of the thousands of varieties of acacia trees in the world, only a few have
edible seeds. The Acacia victoriae and A. aneura are among the
Australian species that are valued for their seeds. Their flavor has been
likened to coffee, hazelnuts, and chocolate, and they are used in custards, ice
cream, cheesecakes, and other baked goods. Wattle seeds are expensive because
they are collected in the wild and require a labor-intensive process to make
them ready for market, and because their demand exceeds their supply. They are
available in Australian gourmet markets and specialty spice shops, but have
failed to make much of an impact on the rest of the world.
- The rhizomes of several members of the Curcuma genus are used in
Southeast Asia in a manner similar to ginger and galangal, two close relatives.
Although it has been known to Europeans for at least 1,500 years, its use has
been primarily as a medicinal herb in the West. Nowadays its culinary use is
limited mainly to Southeast Asia, but it is becoming increasingly available in
Asian markets around the world. Sometimes called "white turmeric," the fresh
rhizomes may be grated, chopped, or sliced and used like ginger. Dried zedoary
is rarely found outside Southeast Asia.
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